Category: Past News at the SCA
Raven and the Wren
[redirect url=’’ sec=’1′] Raven and the Wren – April 21
Tyler Smilo
[redirect url=’’ sec=’1′] Tyler Smilo – March 31
Shakespeare – Complete!
[redirect url=’’ sec=’1′] The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)
Santaland Diaries
[redirect url=’’ sec=’1′]
Annual Member Meeting & Reception
[redirect url=’’ sec=’1′] Annual Member Meeting & Reception
Donate to the Renovations
Visit for online giving. Checks can be made to Springville Center for the Arts, PO Box 62, Springville, NY 14141
SLAM Musical Audition
SLAM Musical Audition. May 30 & 31 at 3pm. Open to anyone entering High School or College. Come audition for the hottest musical show of the summer. Each year the SLAM production gets bigger and better. Show to be determined. Productions dates are July 26-August 5. Produced by Students Loving Art & Music under the…
Meet Our Interns!
The SCA is happy to announce that four college interns will be joining us this summer! The interns will participate in children’s theater productions, including Rumpelstiltskin to be performed in area elementary schools, as well as facilitate a number of children’s workshops this summer. They will create the curriculum for and execute two musical theater…