Wednesday, March 2, 2022 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Wednesdays 3/2, 3/9 and 3/16 from 1-4pm

A beginning journey into drawing and form, using basic materials to learn fundamental drawing skills. Enjoy developing a fundamental understanding of form, planes on forms, and light cast across forms with the resulting shadows. Upon completion of the course, participants may continue their personal drawing journey, and build upon learned drawing skills. With Jennifer Koury.

Week 1: Drawing basic forms with specific lighting, using overlapping strokes to create value structure. Instruction includes: highlights, reflected light, core shadows, form shadows, and cast shadows. Instructor will illustrate and assist participants with an understanding of light upon form to use value structure in their drawings.

Week 2: Basic perspective, form, and creating depth: including the horizon line in relation to circular objects and ellipses, and simplified one and two point perspective. Review of form, light, and shadow structure.

Week 3: Translating basic forms into an understanding of objects in everyday life. Enjoy basic perspective and value structure while sketching.

3 sessions: $95 / $90 SCA Members

Register Online HERE

or by calling 716.592.9038


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