Annual Member Meeting & Reception

Monday, September 26, 2016 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Spring DSC09675Annual Member Meeting & Reception

Monday, September 26 at 7pm. Open to members and their guests. Following the annual State of the Center, time for questions and Board elections, the Board will host a member’s reception in the Olmsted Gallery. Refreshments will be served. Representatives from various parts of the organization will be on hand to answer questions about becoming involved. Renew your membership or become a member at the event. 37 N. Buffalo Street.

The official nominations for the Board of Directors term starting in September are Mark Stevens, Mary Carol Dearing and Tom Herman. Additional appointments will be made at the meeting. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. If you are interested in Board service please contact the Center.


Photo by Paul Pasquerello

Learn about volunteer opportunities:

SCA Greenskeepers: Assist with the slowest moving art form! Greenskeepers help with the Green Roof at 5 East Main Street, help maintain gardens at the church building including our little pocket park, develop new gardens and give tours of the green roof. Planning is done in winter months but most of the work happens in the summer.

Usher Corps: The Corps is a group is trained representatives of the organization that help out at events. Ushers assist patrons with finding their seats, assist with any special needs patrons, answer questions about the organization or building, sell artwork and help with intermission refreshments. It’s a great way to see events for free.

Gala Committee: Help plan the coolest party of the summer. This group works on coordinating the food, entertainment, drinks, silent auction, basket raffle and putt-putt. The event is in June but the committee meets from late-fall to early summer. There is a lot of work to set up and tear down.

Theater Committee: This group of theater lovers helps plan The Springville Players season. You do not have to be an actor to participate. An ad-hoc offshoot, the Play Reading Committee, meets as a group to read plays.

Gallery Committee: If exhibits, receptions or workshops are your cup of tea than sign up to this dynamic team. You do not have to be an artist to participate. You just need an appreciation for fine art and fine crafts.

Presentation Committee: This group works on concerts or other programs in the performance space. We could use additional help with classical programming and we hope to reignite the cinema program when the Cafe opens. If you have ideas about something you’d like to see this is the group for you.

Art Crawl: Help plan the hippest party of the spring season. The Art Crawl puts artwork in Main Street businesses and places musicians on the street. They work on outreach to artists, manning the information table, hanging artwork, and other planning for the event. The next event is scheduled for May 6, 2017.

Building Committee: We’d like to put together a group to give some guidance to our building maintenance and improvements similar to church trustees. They would pick one small project a month to work on.

Hammer Swingers / Work Days: A group meets every Thursday from 9-Noon to work on odd jobs related to the renovation projects. You don’t have to have experience or be skilled, just willing to get dusty and dirty. We also schedule workdays on Saturdays and other times as needed. Email to get on the list.


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