Auditions – Annie

Sunday, March 4, 2018 - Monday, March 5, 2018 All Day

Annie Auditions

Springville Center for the Arts presents Annie! Show dates May 17 – 20 and May 25 – 27. The production team is seeking men and women 18 and up, as well as students. Those auditioning should be prepared to read, sing and participate in movement sequences. (NO ADDITIONAL PREPARATION IS NEEDED. Participants will do a cold reading and be taught songs and dance sequences in groups). Volunteers for costumes, technical roles, stage management and other help may also inquire during auditions.

Student auditions are from 2-4pm on Sunday (March 4th) and 6-8pm on Monday (March 5th).
Adult auditions are from 3-5pm on Sunday (March 4th) and 7-9pm on Monday (March 5th).

Director: Don Wesley, Producer and Assistant Director: Matt Boyle, Music Director: Doris Jones

Auditions will be held at:
Springville Center for the Arts
37 N. Buffalo Street
Springville, NY 14141

Director: Don Wesley directed “The Drawer Boy” for SCA in the fall of 2013. A retired teacher and school administrator, he has directed over 90 plays, musicals and other theatricals and recently completed a Ph.D. at UB in Educational Leadership. He works frequently with local productions as an acting, directing, and character coach and looks forward to returning to SCA as director for Annie.


Character Breakdown

Annie (Lead): Female 9-14  Must be able to appear age 11.

Annie is a complex, tough, streetwise urchin who is surprisingly vulnerable when she thinks she might lose what has become most important to her: her newfound “family.” Need an excellent actress who can act motherly, independent, overwhelmed and hopeful. She should be strong vocally and musically and be able to light up the stage in “Tomorrow!”

The Orphans Female, 6-14

Molly, Kate, Tessie, Pepper, July, DuffyThe Orphans are gritty girls that are neglected and vulnerable, yet basically honest and lovable. Cast girls that can have “mischievous” fun together, as well as “sibling style” fights. Each actress should be able to shape her own specific character, be a good singer and visually expressive. Molly is the youngest at age 6.  Kate is the next-to-youngest (age 7).  Tessie is the cry baby (age 11).  Pepper is the toughest  (age 12).  July is the quietest (age 13).  Duffy is the oldest  (age 13).

Oliver Warbucks (Lead): Male, 40-65Oliver Warbucks is the daunting billionaire who made his fortune during World War I as an industrialist. In the beginning, Warbucks is awkwardly affectionate toward Annie and then finds himself completely charmed by her. Need an actor who is focused and gently authoritative.

Miss Hannigan (Lead): Female 30-55Miss Hannigan is a definite “has-been.” Her distaste for her job should ooze from every line she delivers. Need a strong actress with excellent comic timing. She must have a strong versatile singing voice and be able to create a character that is larger than life.

Grace Farrell (Lead): Female 25-40Grace Farrell is Oliver Warbucks’s calm, cool and classy secretary. She appears businesslike when dealing with Miss Hannigan and Warbucks, yet maternal toward Annie. Cast an actress that can always appear “in control” and sophisticated..” This is a great feature part for an actress who is likable, sweet and confident.

Rooster Hannigan (Supporting): Male 20-45
Lily St. Regis (Supporting): Female 20-40
Rooster Hannigan and Lily St. Regis are the comic team who claim to be Annie’s parents but are revealed to be Miss Hannigan’s swindling brother and his sleazy girlfriend in disguise. These characters play off each other constantly. Both need to be strong character actors who can sing and move well.

Various Ensemble (MALE AND FEMALE—AGES HS to 60’s)  These will be doubled (Warbuck’s Mansion servants and Hooverville residents, New Yorkers for street scene, FDR’s cabinet members, etc.) and some will have singing and/or speaking supporting roles.


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