Fall Workshops

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:00 am

Call to Register

(716) 592-9038


E-mail to Stay Informed

Receive an e-mail when each new season of workshops becomes available: e-mail Katie Kelly, Education Coordinator, (Katie@SpringvilleArts.org) and ask to be added to the workshop e-mail list.



The Golden Hour of Chestnut Ridge: Light & Landscape in Transition 

Adults; 2-Part Class: Tuesday, 9/17, 7:00-9:00 PM @ Arts Underground; Saturday, 9/21, 4:00 PM @ Chestnut Ridge Park; $30

Check back in the spring…this class will be offered again!

Join photographer, Ray Kent, in this two-part class exploring ways to compose landscape photographs and utilize nature’s “Golden Hour” to capture the beauty of day transitioning to night along the WNY Southtowns Scenic Byway.  The first class will meet at the Arts Underground in Springville where Kent will present his own work and offer suggestions on how to compose landscape photographs and use the “Golden Hour” of light.  The second class will convene as dusk approaches at Chestnut Ridge Park (specific location TBD during first class) where participants will apply newly learned strategies to photograph the golden landscape.  Bring your own camera (film or digital) to both sessions. Skill level: basic knowledge of photography and your camera.  www.ray-kent.artistwebsites.com



50 Miles Exposed: Stories Along the Byway

Adults; 2-Part Class; 2 Thursdays: 9/19& 9/26, 7:00-9:00 PM @ Arts Underground; $30

Check back in the spring…this class will be offered again!

This two-part class begins with a glimpse into the stories of others as told through the lens of photojournalist, Jenna Boshart, followed by an informal lesson on “how to see” and capture stories with your own camera.  Boshart will cover an array of basic photographic techniques and concepts (e.g., f-stop and shutter, film vs. digital, and the Rule-of-Thirds).  In the week between classes, participants are on their own to expose the countless stories hidden along the Byway; photos from these excursions will then be brought to the second class where Boshart will facilitate a group critique.  Bring your own camera (film or digital) to both sessions.  Skill level: all (including beginner) with a basic knowledge of your camera.  www.jboshart.com



Pen & Ink: Illustrating the Byway

Adults; Saturday, 9/21, 1:00-4:00 PM @ Arts Underground; $30

Check back in the spring…this class will be offered again!

Painter and illustrator, Karen Olejniczak, offers this pen and ink workshop inspired by the architecture and landscape surrounding the WNY Southtowns Scenic Byway.  Bring an architectural or landscape photograph from along the Byway and get hands-on experience rendering it into a sharp, black and white illustration.  Using an array of marks and lines, Olejniczak will show how to draw detailed, pen and ink images with Micron technical pens.  Skill level: some drawing ability required and an interest in sustained, detailed work.  www.karenolejniczak.com




Acoustic Guitar Master Class with Hiroya Tsukamoto

Adults & Teens; Saturday, 9/28, 3 PM @ Mongerson Theater; $15

Join Acoustic Autumn guitarist, and native of Japan, Hiroya Tsukamoto in exploring a blend of Eastern music and Western Classical.  Technique, arrangement, and so on will be covered. Open to all levels.



An Early Autumn Retreat: Finding Life’s Rhythm in Horses, Drumming, & Yoga

Adults & Teens; Saturday, 9/28 (Weather Permitting; Rain Date: 10/5), 10:00-3:00 (Note: corrected time from newsletter) @ Laurelin Farm in Collins, NY; $75

Check back in the spring…this class will be offered again!

Treat yourself (and/or family and friends) to a one-day, early autumn retreat at Caroline North’s Laurelin Farm in Collins.  Throughout the day, you’ll find yourself submersed in rhythm: the rhythm of horses, drumming, and yoga.  Steve Bell will begin this special day by leading an energizing, participatory drum circle to connect people to each other, and to the rhythm of horses.  North will then give individual riding lessons building off the rhythms revealed in the community drum circle.  When not riding, participants may choose to attend a yoga session with painter and yoga instructor, Kristin Rogers, or take personal time to reflect in a journal or sketchbook (please bring your own).  After a catered lunch (included), the retreat will culminate with Bell leading a closing drum circle followed by a time for reflection and an appreciation circle.  Skill level: beginner and beyond.  www.laurelinfarm.com



Acoustic Guitar Master Class with Muriel Anderson

Adults & Teens; Wednesday, 10/9, 7 PM @ Arts Underground; $15

From 51 Right-Hand Techniques You Must Know, Muriel Anderson offers this master class to players of all levels. Anderson will present the most efficient use of the right hand, interesting ways to bring expression into your music, and help you find fresh and exciting accompaniments, solos and compositions.  This workshop will encompass fingerstyle, classical, flatpacking, and techniques Muriel has discovered herself.  Open to all levels.



Unfolding Life in the Forest: A Public Mural Installation

All Ages (bring your family!); 3 Saturdays: 10/12, 10/19, 10/26 10:00-2:00 (Note: corrected time from newsletter) @ Arts Underground; $40/family (or $40 for individual)

Be a part of an unfolding public mural of forest life with artists and Urban Canvas Project of Buffalo’s founders, Cassondra Argeros and Kristin Rogers.  In this multi-session workshop, Urban Canvas Project of Buffalo partners with SCA to create an interactive, temporary mural on the façade of 5 East Main (the future of home of Arts Café!)  Participants will paint a life-sized forest of trees – but this will be far from your typical painting of trees!  Over the course of this session, the mural will “come alive” and evolve as new elements are periodically added and the community of Springville interacts with the piece.  Help beautify a little strip of Main Street with art!  All ages are welcome.  Skill Level: beginner & beyond; must be able to use a paintbrush and scissors.  Bring your own lunch or snack and dress to get messy.  www.urbancanvasproject.org



Ani Hoover -detail-MiddleRekindle Kids

Children (ages 6-12); Saturday, 10/12, 10:00–1:00 @ Arts Underground; $20

Be a Rekindle Kid with artist Ani Hoover!  A Rekindle Kid takes something used (like a plastic bottle) and instead of simply tossing it into the recycling bin, his/her creativity is sparked with oodles of ideas about how to rekindle it into something amazing and new: like a piece of art!  So, bring a large bag of recyclable materials (cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, tin cans, etc.) and join Hoover for a morning sparked with inspiration as boring bottles, ho-hum cardboard, and bland cans ignite into ingenious new works of art.  Bring your own lunch or snack.  Skill level: solid ability to use scissors is required.  www.anihoover.com




Ani Hoover Bblueneck-blueoutsideBYOA*: Revitalizing Your Creative Spirit Through Art

Adults; Saturday, 10/12, 2:00–5:00 PM @ Arts Underground; $25

Just as Springville Center for the Arts envisions bringing new life to two of the town’s historic buildings, artist, Ani Hoover, also seeks to revitalize pieces from the past: her earlier paintings, that is.  Hoover takes studio scraps and old, cut-up paintings and reconfigures them into a variety of new sculptural works.  Bring your own old artworks or prints on paper (or create some just for this event) and spend the afternoon recreating alongside Hoover.  Revitalize your art and your creative spirit all at the same time!  Skill level: beginner and beyond.  www.anihoover.com

* BYOA = Bring Your Own Art  (works on paper to be cut)



Crativism 101: Art for a Purpose

Adults & Teens; 4 Saturdays: 10/19, 11/2, 11/23, 12/7, 1:00-4:00 PM @ Arts Underground; $40

Do you make art projects that just sit around collecting dust?  Do you see problems in America or your local community but feel helpless?  Do you want to put your creativity to better use, create things for a purpose, and somehow make the world a better place?  If so, then join others like you in this multiple session class with artist and Craftivist, Elizabeth Switzer.  “Craftivism” (Crafing + Activism) is making with the hands and giving with the heart.  It’s about opening the minds of people in the community to inspire a dialogue for change.  It’s about giving a voice to those who otherwise may not have one.  It’s about using beauty and the imagination to bring awareness to the overlooked people and problems – and the mundane environment – that go unnoticed in everyday life.  So, if you want to contribute to a ripple with the potential to make big change with the causes that matter most to you and your community, join this class!  Skill Level: beginner and beyond.  Course Prerequisite: superhero power of using your creativity for good.  www.crudecrafts.blogspot.com



My Stroller is a Spaceship! 

Children (ages 2-5) with a caregiver; 3 Saturdays: 10/26, 11/16, & 12/14, 11:00-12:00 @ Arts Underground; $20/child with caregiver

Based on her upcoming book, My Stroller is a Spaceship: Nurturing Creative Thinking Skills with Young Children (with Dr. Cyndi Burnett), author Michaelene Dawson (Adjunct Professor with International Center for Studies in Creativity at Buffalo State College) offers a class that will develop and nurture young children’s creative thinking and problem solving skills.  Taking inspiration from theater, music, dance, and the visual arts, toddlers and caregivers will be guided through playful, hands-on activities and art projects that focus on a different creative thinking skill each month.  Come dressed to get messy.



Actors’ Workshop: Elizabeth Rex

Adults; 7 Sessions: 10/29, 11/5, 11/7, 11/12, 11/14, 11/19, 11/21, 7:00-9:00 @ Mongerson Theater.  Free.   Donation suggested.

In this combination Actors’ Workshop and Scene Study, participants will work with actor and director, Tom Durham, to examine the role of minor characters: what is the purpose of these characters, how do they contribute to the major characters, and what do they offer to the story, itself?  Areas of exploration will include gender, friendship, and loyalty.  Skill Level: beginners & beyond.



Opening the Door to Creative Musical Expression

Adults: 10:30-12:30; 3 Saturdays: 11/9, 11/16, 12/7 (Note: corrected dates from newsletter); @ Mongerson Theater; $35

A musician with an MS in Creative Studies, Pamela Szalay offers two classes this fall that will nurture and reawaken the playful side of musical improv and exploration: one for adults, and one for teens.  www.imagineandplaymusic.com

Adults: For those who have never played or those who may have some past musical experience, Szalay will create an environment that frees-up participants’ inner child and gives them “permission” to explore and improv together.  Limited instruments are available; if you have your own, please bring it (and some to share if possible).  Skill Level: beginner & beyond.





Opening the Door to Creative Musical Expression

Teens: 1:00-3:00; 3 Saturdays: 11/9, 11/16, 12/7 (Note: corrected dates from newsletter); @ Mongerson Theater; $35

A musician with an MS in Creative Studies, Pamela Szalay offers two classes this fall that will nurture and reawaken the playful side of musical improv and exploration: one for adults, and one for teens.  www.imagineandplaymusic.com

Teens: For middle school to high school age, this class offers teens the opportunity to work together and develop improv skills.  This workshop is especially for those who may not have the opportunity to take music classes in school, are more self-directed in their music development, or for whom traditional, structured classes may not be appealing – however, any young musician is welcome!  Limited instruments are available; if you have your own, please bring it (and some to share if possible).  Skill Level: some ability to play your instrument.



Note-worthy Notes: Hand-printed Stationery

All Ages; Saturday, 11/9, 1:00-4:00 PM @ Arts Underground; $30

Spend the day creating with artist and arts educator, Angela Ginnitti.  In this workshop, explore the simple magic of gelatin printing – a technique that almost guarantees beautiful results.  Participants will learn the basics of gelatin printing and explore an array of ways to create stationery, note cards, holiday cards, and more.  Give your loved ones the ultimate gift this holiday season – quality time together making art!  Bring your family and friends to enjoy the festive feel of creating together and leave with a homemade set of stationery.  Skill level: beginner & beyond.  A parent or caregiver should attend and create with their young children.




African Rhythm Structures with Hand-held Percussion Instruments

Adults & Motivated Teens; 3 Mondays: 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 7:00-8:30 PM @ Mongerson Theater; $22

Using an assortment of hand-held percussion instruments, musician and educator, Steve Bell, will focus the group on developing various traditional African rhythm structures.  Instruments will be provided.  Skill Level: some rhythm experience will be helpful.





Call to Register

(716) 592-9038


E-mail to Stay Informed

Receive an e-mail when each new season of workshops becomes available: e-mail Katie Kelly, Education Coordinator, (Katie@SpringvilleArts.org) and ask to be added to the workshop e-mail list.




This event is listed within:


31 Jan 25
The Work of Jon Horton
5 Feb 25
Journeys | Holland Tuesday Painters
26 Feb 25
Folk Night
6 Mar 25