Learn to Crochet II

Saturday, November 23, 2019 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Learn the basic steps to crochet (double crochet).  A follow-up for those students who took “Learn to Crochet” or for students with the basics already understood. Students can bring their own supplies or borrow from the instructor.

$20 session

Space is limited, class size kept small for one-on-one instruction.

Click here to register online
Or call 716-592-9038 to register by phone.

Kaela Jacobs: Kaela learned how to make tatted lace when she was a teenager after finding a bag of tatting thread and shuttles at the Springville Auction. Resources on the internet inspired her to pursue this fun and unusual art and helped her connect with other tatters. She also crochets and knits. She maintains a blog to showcase her work: www.straightlacedtatting.blogspot.com.

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