One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Thursday, October 26, 2017 - Sunday, November 5, 2017 All Day

The Springville Players present One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Directed by Edwin F. Heary & Pamela Morley

Cuckoos Nest Crop 2Randle Patrick McMurphy realized that being the only sane person in a psychiatric hospital was not the easy way out after all.  Based on Ken Kesey’s 1962 novel of the same name, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest will be performed in the Carol Mongerson Theater at Springville Center for the Arts this fall.  Dale Wasserman wrote the stage play, which has won several Tony Awards.

Thursday, October 26 is Pay-What-You-Can-With-A-Can at 8pm.
Pay any donation amount when you bring a non-perishable food item.

Show dates: October 27 & 28, November 3 & 4 at 8pm
and Saturday, October 28 & Sunday, November 5 at 2pm

$10 Student & Senior / $12 General
$8 per person for groups of 15 or more

Click here to purchase tickets.

Alexandrea Simmons as Nurse Nakamura

Lisa Lawrence as Sandra

Mike Sharrer as Aide Turkle

Matt Boyle as Martini

Ted Pinelli as Cheswick

Keith Cordaro as Scanlon

Ally Catalano as Nurse Flinn

Bill Burgin as Aide Williams

Johnathan Reynolds as Aide Warren

Ted Winkle as Dr. Spivey

Wally Holland as Ruckley

Lynne Cotton as Candy Starr

Zack McIntyre as Billy Bibbit

Cory Golabek as Dale Harding

Franklyn Jones as Chief Bromden

Tammy Catalano as Nurse Ratched

Rick Manzone as Randle P. McMurphy

Matt Lawrence as Colonel Masterson    

Mick Buffum as Ellis

Mark Mendola as Fredericks

This event is listed within:


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