Photographic Composition

Thursday, October 19, 2017 - Thursday, November 2, 2017 All Day

Kent_PragueThursday, October 19 from 6:00-7:30pm at SCA
Saturday, October 21 from Noon-2pm at Sprague Brook Park
Thursday, November 2 from 6:00-7:30pm at SCA

The Photographic Composition workshop will be led by Ray Kent, a local photographer and long-time member and supporter of the Arts Center.  The workshop is intended for photography enthusiasts who want to improve their work, and already have a working knowledge of their camera and its functions.  Basic composition, the Rule of Thirds, subject selection, and other aspects of composing a photograph, will be covered.  The workshop will consist of three sessions – a presentation by Ray discussion aspects of composition, a field trip to apply what you’ve learned, and a get-together to discuss your work.  All participants are encouraged to submit some of their photographs from the field trip for a blind critique during the last session.

$25 / $20 Members
To register, call (716) 592-9038.

This event is listed within:


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