Playwriting Workshop

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 - Wednesday, August 14, 2013 6:00 pm
Have you ever wanted to write your own play? Had an idea but didn’t know how to get started? Gotten started, but couldn’t quite put it all on paper? Then this workshop is for you! Springville Arts Center will be hosting a 6 week intensive Write Your Own Ten-Minute Play Workshop taught by Bella Poynton, an MFA Playwright from the prestigious Iowa Playwrights’ Workshop. 

Bella will guide the students through a series of exercises that will help them hone their skills, and allow each writer to begin finding their voice. Beginners are encouraged to participate. In addition to fun and easy exercises, there will be in-depth discussion of what makes a good short play, free writing time, introduction to dramaturgy and workshopping text, as well as a final staged reading of each Ten-Minute play in the Mongerson Theater at Springville Center for the Arts. 

In addition to receiving a BFA in acting from Boston University School Of Theater, Bella has studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. She has performed in numerous productions in New York City, was a resident writer and playwright, and teaches numerous courses at the University of Iowa. She is the winner of the Amelia Bassano Lanier Short Play Competition at Manhattan Theater Source in 2009, and was nominated for the Christopher Brian Wolk Playwriting Award in 2010. Her play, Pope Joan was a regional finalist at KCACTF, and then produced at New World Stages as part of the InCite Festival. More recently, her play A House Full of Dust was published by Heartland Plays and a new full-length, The Aurora Project was given a production at the 2013 Iowa New Play Festival. This summer, she will be an MFA Mentor at the Young Playwrights’ Festival at the Horizon Theatre Company in Atlanta, and will also be teaching at Road Less Traveled Productions Summer Theatre Institute.

The workshop will be held every Wednesday from July 10th-August 14th from 6-9pm at Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street, Springville. Tuition is $100 and participants should call 592-9038 to register. 

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