
Thursday, May 12, 2016 - Sunday, May 22, 2016 All Day



What happens when you combine a brilliant mind with mathematics and a potential for mental instability? What happens when care-giving nearly drains you in both body and soul? What happens when sympathy, help, and love come along and begin to restore your sense of balance, your hope for a brighter future? SCA’s upcoming production of Proof has the answers to these questions. David Auburn, the author, has provided the audience with laughter, heartache, conflict, tears, joy, and an ultimately upbeat and beautiful show. The characters are real, the situations are real, and the audience will love them, be irritated by them, but most importantly, the audience will root for them. SCA has a wonderful ensemble of four experienced actors who will bring these characters to life: Cassie Klahn as Catherine, Cathy Bohan as Claire, Jeff Maris as Robert, and Kris Kielich as Hal. The show’s director is Tom Durham, and the producer is Ed Heary. So come join the audience for David Auburn’s Tony Award- and Pulitzer Prize-winning play, Proof, at the Mongerson Theatre, 37 North Buffalo St. in Springville. The production runs May 12-May 22, Thursday -Sunday the first weekend and Friday-Sunday the second weekend. Performances begin at 8:00 p.m in the evenings and at 2:00 for the Sunday matinees.

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