Puppetry Master Class – Creating Life from the Inanimate

Monday, July 27, 2020 - Wednesday, August 5, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Class cancelled – 7/27/2020

Learn basic and advanced puppetry techniques from Lindsey “Z.” Briggs, whose resume includes Sesame Street, the Jim Henson Foundation, the MFA Puppetry program at UConn and performing her own shows in NYC for the last 10 years with her company WonderSpark Puppets. This 4-part master class is perfect for actors, teachers, parents, professionals, and anyone who wants to learn valuable skills and techniques for theater, storytelling, communication, pretend play and more…  puppetry is a wonderful and powerful tool that can be used in so many different ways.  Actors – learn a new skill that you can apply in multiple ways on stage.  Artists – learn a new building style that you can apply to your current work.   Teachers/Counselors/Therapists – learn how to utilize puppets in your work as a tool for connection, communication, motivation and more.

Each participant will receive a unique hand puppet they will customize and keep.

 7-8:30pm: 7/27 & 7/29, 8/3 and 8/5   –  $40

You will learn many different types and styles of different puppetry as well as how to apply those styles in your work. Great for special needs teachers too! 

Register online here

This event is listed within:


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