Richard Stamps: Inside My Big Fat Head

Saturday, May 2, 2015 - Saturday, May 30, 2015 All Day



On view at the newly (almost) renovated Harold L. Olmsted Gallery, 37 N Buffalo St. Springville!

Springville Center for the Arts will reopen the Harold L. Olmsted Gallery at 4:30pm on Saturday May 2 with an exhibit of photography by Richard Stamps. Curated by Ted Pietrzak, former of the Burchfield Penney, the exhibit “Inside My Big Fat Head” features work spanning several decades with a persistent strange quality.

Stamps has exhibited work at The NACC, The Annual National Art Competition, Art Dialogue  Pelham Art Center, Erie Art Museum, New Mexico Photographer, among many other national competitions and exhibits.  A recent exhibit at El Museo in Buffalo depicts Stamps photography in connection to humanitarian efforts. “Inside My Big Fat Head” features work that is very different with a focus on photographic motion. Some pieces are almost abstract compositions of light.  “Stamps personal photographs have a tension of something about to happen,“ said SCA Executive Director Seth Wochensky,  “When you look at this work you’re possibly nervous about what happens next but you’re too curious to look away.”
The event begins at 4:30pm with a plywood cutting ceremony to reopen the gallery.  While the project is ongoing with an elevator installation planned, the exterior work is complete and the gallery space will be finished over the course of the summer. Major changes include the removal of a portion of the second floor to create a mezzanine and the re-exposing of opalescent art glass windows. 
Later in the evening of the 2nd, the Center will host the annual Downtown Springville Art Crawl. Work from a variety of artists is for sale and on display from 6 to 9 PM in businesses in Springville’s historic Main Street area. Maps of participating locations are available at the tent at the corner of Main & Mechanic Streets. An afterparty follows the event at Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street. The Stamps reception and Crawl event are free. 
Later in the month, Stamps will host a photographic excursion on May 16 in conjunction with the Springville Pageant of Bands. Photographers of any ability level will join Stamps in exploring the event through the lens and learn about his approach to the medium. On May 21 at 7pm the Center will host Stamps for an artist’s talk. More information is available at
Work will be on display though the end of May. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Friday from Noon to 5pm and Saturday from 10-3pm. The gallery is located at 37 N Buffalo Street in Springville. Call 716-592-9038 for more information or to register for the photographic excursion. 


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