Summer Workshops

Monday, June 1, 2015 - Saturday, August 15, 2015 All Day


SYI Logo Cropped    Summer 2015 Children’s Programs 

Presented in partnership with SYI

Visual Arts, Theater Arts & More for PreK to College

Register through SYI at



spark ii

Summer Spark

Dates: Tuesdays,  10am-Noon, July 7- August 11. Concurrent with a program for ages 5-7 – perfect for families with little siblings.
Spark is for ages 2 – 5  Cost: $30 for all six sessions. 
Location: Meet at Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street – often we will be on the move. 
Class Capacity: 15
This creativity program includes painting, dance, theatrical story telling, story making, acting out scenes, etc. “Sparkers” work with guest artists, our theater interns and more. 


Spark II

Dates: Tuesdays 10am-Noon, July 7- August 11. Concurrent with a program for ages 2-5 – perfect for families with little siblings.
Spark II is for ages 5 – 7  Cost: $30 for all six sessions. 
Location: Meet at Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street – often we will be on the move. 
Class Capacity: 15
This creativity program includes painting, dance, theatrical story telling, story making, acting out scenes, etc. “Sparkers” work with guest artists, our theater interns and more. 


Saturday Morning Improv 
Dates: Saturdays at 10am-Noon, July 11 – August 8
Ages: MS / HS
Cost: $15   Location: Arts Underground, 66 East Main   Class Capacity: 12
Description: Do you want to learn how to think quickly on your feet? Do you want to learn some basic comedy skills? Do you want to become more comfortable talking in front of others? If you said yes to any of these, then you should attend our improv class! Includes theater games, group scenes, final informal performance. Big hit last year!


Saturday Morning Playwriting 
Dates: Saturdays at 10am-Noon, July 11 – August 8
Ages: MS / HS
Cost: $15   Location: Olmsted Gallery, 37 N Buffalo Street East Main   Class Capacity: 12
Description: Put pen to paper and take your ideas to the stage. Work with an accomplished playwright to learn the craft of playwriting. Bring pens and ideas.


musicalMusical Theater Camp 1: Sleeping Beauty
Dates: June 28-July 10, Monday-Friday from 12-3pm, Performance Friday July 10th at 7:00pm & Saturday, Jul 11 at 4pm
Ages: Grades 3-8
Price: $60   Location: Mongerson Theater, 37 N Buffalo Street   Class Capacity: 40
Description: In this process-oriented camp, kids will explore the building blocks of musical theater and participate in fun activities resulting in a theater production of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. See Arts Super Pass below for discounts.


Uke Duke Out: Ukulele Songwriting and Jam
Dates: July 13-July 17 Monday – Friday, 10am-11am.
Ages: MS / HS
Cost: $15   Location: Arts Underground, 66 East Main St   Class Capacity: 15
Description: This workshop is open to anyone who wishes to learn how to play the ukulele or wants to fine-tune their ukulele skills.  You will learn basic strum patterns, plenty of chords, and many songs. This course will be a lot of fun, and you will learn something new. For those with some musical background. Bring a Uke if you own one or rent one for $5.



Et Tu Shakespeare?

Dates: July 20th- 31, Monday-Friday Noon – 2:30pm,
Ages: Children entering grades 6-12
Cost: $30.00   Location: Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street   Class Capacity: 25
Description: Insult your foes with the flair and style of an Elizabethan. Spit rhymes the old school way. Students, yes even young students,  will become comfortable with reading and performing Shakespeare’s texts. The workshop will culminate in a shortened performance of Shakespeare’s great comedy Twelfth Night. Students will gain valuable experience in dissecting, discussing, and evaluating Shakespeare’s works.


tech theaterTechnical Theater Camp
Dates: Mornings or Afternoons: Musical 1: July 1-5,  Shakespeare Crew: August 4-9, Musical Theater 2 Crew: August 11-16
Ages: Entering grades 6-12
Cost: $20.00   Location: Mongerson Theater, 37 N Buffalo Street   Class Capacity: 25
Description: Join the tech crew. Work hand in hand with the production team and SCA summer interns for each show. Learn how to hang lights, paint sets, run sound, do makeup and design costumes. Pick one session or come to all for the price of one. An instructor will call to customize your child’s schedule.


Finding Mufasa
Dates: July 13-17, 1-3pm. Grades 2- 5.  Cost $15. Class Capacity: 15  Location: Mongerson Theater, 37 N Buffalo Street. This workshop will focus on storytelling through movement and puppetry. The stage version of The Lion King uses many elements to create an animal world based on a cartoon, one of which is puppetry. The puppets used reveal character traits and create a larger than life scenic landscape. Not the usual “puppet” but rather shadow, mask, and technical elements are used, with the actors making themselves the puppet through movement. We examine different kinds of puppets, maybe make our own, experiment with movement exercises and tell a story of our making with puppets that tell the story by their appearance and movement.



Musical Theater Workshop 2 – Mississippi Melody
Dates: August 3 – August 14, Monday-Friday, 12-3pm, Performance August 14 at 7pm and afternoon performance August 15th time TBD
Ages: Children entering grades 3-8
Cost: $60.00   Location: 37 N Buffalo Street   Class Capacity: 40
Description: Same as Musical Theater I with a different production. In this process-oriented camp, kids will explore the building blocks of musical theater and participate in fun activities resulting in a small theater production.


SLAM – Legally Blonde
Dates: Performances Thursday, Friday, Sat @ 8pm, Sun @ 2pm, Last weekend in July, 1st in August. Auditions June 1 & 2. Rehearsals begin after school in June and then transition to evenings when school lets out.
Ages: Entering Grade 9 – College
Cost: $60, Price includes 4 tickets to show   Location: Mongerson Theater, 37 N Buffalo Street   Class Capacity: 40
Description: Work with your peers to stage a award winning Broadway musical based on the smash-hit film.

See SLAM for further details.

Art Camp I
Dates: July 7-August 11, Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-2:30
Instructor: Varies from class to class
Ages: Entering grades 3-5
Cost: $35.00
Location: Meet at Arts Underground, Location will vary    Class Capacity: 25
Description: Each session features a different artist as students experiment and create art projects. See Super Pass below for those taking multiple classes.

art camp

Art Camp II
Dates: July 7-August 11, Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-2:30
Instructor: Varies from class to class
Ages: Entering grades 6-8
Cost: $35.00
Location: Meet at Arts Underground, Location will vary    Class Capacity: 25
Each session features a different artist as students experiment and create art projects. See Arts Super Pass below for discounts.


Unleash Art

Dates: July 7-August 11, Tuesday/Thursday 7:30pm  Ages: High School  Cost: $35.00

Location: Meet at Arts Underground, Location will vary    Class Capacity: 25  Description: Let’s make some public art. We’ll work on a variety of projects with different artists and in different public locations. Murals, funky totem poles and more.




stop motionStop Motion Animation
Dates: July 27-31, Monday-Friday 9-11am
Instructor: Anna Baldwin
Ages: Entering grades 6-12
Cost: $35.00   Location: Arts Underground, 66 East Main   Class Capacity: 15
Description: Create a short film using legos, clay or paper and a tried and true animation technique. Bring your ideas.


Sound Design Camp
Dates: August 3-7, Monday-Friday, 9am-11am.
Instructor: Alek Wochensky, David Wasik
Ages: Entering grades 6-12
Cost: $35.00   Location: Arts Underground, 66 East Main   Class Capacity: 15
Description: A companion to the Stop Motion Workshop, the class allows students to add sound effects and scores to their short films. This year it features additional musical elements.


filmShort Film Camp
Dates: August 10-14, Monday-Friday, 9am -noon.
Instructor: Alek Wochensky
Ages: HS and MS students
Cost: $35   Location: Arts Underground, 66 East Main   Class Capacity: 10
Description: Work with peers to produce a short video. Learn camera techniques, sound and production skills. Script to Screen in one week.






MEDIA SUPER CLASS: Take all three media workshops – Stop motion, Sound Design and Short Film for $75.

ARTS SUPER PASS: Art Camp? Musical Theater? Can’t be limited to just one measly form of expression? Take Musical Theater I & II, Shakespeare, Technical Theater, Art Camp I or II, Stop Motion, Sound Design, Short Film, Comedy Improv, Uke Duke Out, etc/ etc. for $150. Good luck parents! Tent space at the SCA grounds will not be provided. You must go home occasionally!

Other limited scholarships and discounts available for multiple sibling families and multiple classes. Please contact the Center for more details.


These programs are made possible with support from Springville Youth Incorporated.



This event is listed within:


31 Jan 25
The Work of Jon Horton
5 Feb 25
Journeys | Holland Tuesday Painters
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Folk Night
6 Mar 25