Summer Youth (and more) Workshops

Monday, May 13, 2019 - Monday, August 12, 2019 All Day

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This creativity program includes painting, dance, theatrical storytelling, story making, acting out scenes, and general art-making mayhem. “Sparkers” work with guest artists, our visual arts and theater interns or just explore on their own. $34 for six sessions. Meets at Arts Underground (AU)

Spark I: Ages 2-5
Tuesdays, 10am-Noon, July 2 – August 6
THURSDAYS ONLY CANCELLED: Thursdays, 10am-Noon, July 4 – August 8

Spark II: Grades K -2
Tuesdays, 1pm – 3pm, July 2- August 6
Thursdays,  1pm – 3pm, July 4- August 8
Register for Tuesdays, Thursdays or separately for both sessions.

Spark III: Entering Grades 3-5
Fridays, 10am – noon, July 5 – August 9. Six sessions, $34

Castle Camp: Grades 1 – 5
July 1, 3, 5 & 6, from 10am – 11:30am, Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat
Kids bring the imagination and energy. Adults facilitate the use of tools and design. Kids learn basic tool techniques and use pallets to build a fort city or castle of their own design on the SCA lawn. $27. (V)

Public Art Corps: Grades MS/HS
June-August, Approximately 5pm – 8pm on various days
It’s time to enlist! Collaborate each week on community projects as we deploy public art around town. Work days will be weather dependent and coordinated with each student. Sign up and receive your orders! Looking for adult volunteers as well. $25. (V)

Create Your Story: Grades 6+
July 22 – 26, from 1-2:30pm Mon/Wed/Fri
This class will be a combination of creative writing and drawing and will challenge the students to share their vision through both words and images. Create and bind your own book using a variety of mediums. $35 (AU)

Alien Invasion: Grades 4-8
July 29, 31 & August 5, 7 from 10-11:30am Mon/Wed
Imagine what an alien planet would look like. Are there craters? Mountains? Oceans? Creatures. Use a variety of materials to create your own alien landscape. $25. (AU)


Great for ages 5-12, these little adventures inspire big ideas in little people. Different locations for each session. Designed for parents and siblings to walk along with the official participant, the session pairs a simple art activity with the surrounding natural beauty. Call for directions to sites. Signs will be posted. $5 per student / session. Minimal materials provided.

Nature + Art Walk 1: July 13,  9:30am – Noon
Griffis Sculpture Park. Bring comfortable shoes and a snack as we’ll be exploring the many interesting sculptures. Meet at the Arts Center. We will then travel to this local park, and participate in an art activity.

Nature + Art Walk 2: July 27,  9:30am – Noon
Scoby Dam Park. On the creek is a dam and a small turn-of-the-century hydroelectric generating facility that generated some of the electricity used by the Village of Springville. In 1996 this location was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Meet at the Arts Center. We will then travel to the dam and participate in an art activity.

Nature + Art Walk 3: August 10,  9:30am – Noon
Sprague Brook Park. We’ll be taking a hike and visiting the creek. Meet at the Art Center. We will then travel to the park and participate in an art activity.


Lego Animation: Grades 6+
July 8-19 Mon/Wed/Fri from 1 – 3pm
Create a short film using legos, clay or paper. Add sound and finish with an uploaded youtube video. $35. (V)


Sketch Comedy / Saturday Improv: Grades:  MS/HS

Saturdays 12:30-2:30, 6 sessions July 6 – August 10
Do you want to learn how to think quickly on your feet? Do you want to learn some basic comedy skills? Weekly sessions include theater games, improv exercises and a lot of laughs. $34. (MT)

Childrens’ Choir: Ages 4 – 4th grade
Mondays 10am-11am, July 1 – Aug 5. Introductory chorus with SCA interns. Final concert TBD. $22. (MT)

Dance Now: Ages 5 – 8 years
Wednesdays, from 10-11am, July 3 – August 7.
In this dance class, students will explore the basics of various dance forms, including Ballet, Jazz, and Modern. Each hour session will incorporate 45 minutes of instruction with 15 minutes of free dance at the end. $64.(AU)

Click here to register

Rock Band: Grades 6+
July 22-26 from 1-2:30pm
Bring your instrument, ideas and join in a session to create EDM, rock or pop music. Students will work on songs and a recording. $34 (MT)

Technical Theater
July 1-5 from 3-4pm – Training Week
July 8-12 from 12-3pm – Tech for Madagascar Jr.

Revamped – Students must attend training week to be eligible to work Madagascar Jr. and Frozen Jr. Week one includes tech instruction and time working with shows is scheduled one-on-one. $34 (MT)

Ukulele I & II
7/15 – 7/19 each day from 1-2pm
Open to all ages, all levels (adults too!). Bring your own uke or rent one from SCA for $5. Learn basic chords or some advanced finger picking. Class will be split according to ability. With Seth Wochensky and Kingsley Kolek. $27 (V)

Bollywood Dance
July 15-19 each day from 3-4:30pm

Bollywood dancing is the style and form found in many popular Indian films. It incorporates belly dancing, kathak, Indian folk dancing, and modern styles. Lots of fun costumes and makeup. Designed as a parent & child class, solo adults and older children welcome. Learn something new! $34 per student, one child free with parent. (MT)


Urinetown(SLAM): HS and College

Join the ensemble, pit, stage crew and more in this full stage production of Urinetown. Rehearsals begin June 25.  $20. For more information, email Kingsley at (MT)

Musical Theater Camp 1: Madagascar Jr.
Children entering Grades 3-8
Auditions Thursday, June 27, 12-3pm
Rehearsals: 7/1-7/5 & 7/8-7/12 from 12-3pm. Performances: 7/12 at 7pm and 7/13 at 4pm.
In this process-oriented camp, kids will explore the building blocks of musical theater and participate in fun activities resulting in a full theater production on the SCA main stage. $59. See Arts Super Pass below for discounts. (MT)

Musical Theater Camp 2: Frozen Jr.
Children entering grades 3-8
Auditions: 7/26 from 2pm-5pm
Rehearsals: 7/29-8/2 & 8/5-8/9 from 1-4pm
Performances: 8/9 at 7pm, 8/10 at 4pm
Create a theater production of the smash hit Frozen! $64 See Arts Super Pass below for discounts. (MT)

Musical Theater Essentials
Children entering grades 7-12
July 29 – August 9, Monday-Friday, 10am-Noon
Back by popular demand! Learn stage combat, vocal techniques, movement, audition techniques, how to read a scene and more in this camp for aspiring stage performers. $64. See Arts Super Pass below for discounts. (MT)


ARTS SUPER PASS: Sculpting? Musical Theater? Can’t be limited to just one measly form of expression? Take as many workshops you like for $165.  Other limited scholarships and discounts available for multiple sibling families and multiple classes.

(MT) Mongerson Theater at 37 N Buffalo Street. (AU) Arts Underground at 66 East Main Street. (OG) Olmsted Gallery or (V) Vacanti Classroom at 37 N. Buffalo Street

Introduction to Flameworking “Create Your Own Marble!”: July 19 & 20: Details Here

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More Workshops for Adults Here

This event is listed within:


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