Summer Youth Workshops

Saturday, June 24, 2017 - Saturday, August 12, 2017 All Day




IMG_1384Spark I: Ages 2-5

Tuesdays, 10am-Noon, June 27 – August 8. Six sessions.

This creativity program includes painting, dance, theatrical storytelling, story making, acting out scenes, etc. “Sparkers” work with guest artists, our theater interns or just explore on their own. Produced by Springville Center for the Arts. $30 for all six sessions. At Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street.

End Registration: July 11

Limit: 15


Spark II: Entering Grades K -2

Tuesdays, 10am-Noon, June 27- August 8. Six sessions.

This creativity program includes painting, dance, theatrical storytelling, story making, acting out scenes, etc. “Sparkers” work with guest artists, our theater interns or just explore on their own. Produced by Springville Center for the Arts. $30 for all six sessions. At Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street. This program runs concurrently with Spark I.

End Registration: July 11

Limit: 15

Spark III: Entering Grade 3-5

Thursdays, 10am-Noon, June 29 – August 3. Six sessions.

A creativity program for elementary schoolers, this program provides studio space and facilitation with different guest artists. Produced by Springville Center for the Arts. $30 for all six sessions. At Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street.

End Registration: July 13

Limit: 15

Visual Arts Camp  CANCELLED

Ages: Entering grades 6-8.

July 24 – 28, Monday – Friday, 12:30pm-2pm

A different visual artist shares their work and facilitates a creative project each day of the week. $25. Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street

Registration Ends: July 28

Limit: 30

Public Mural Project

Ages: HS.

July 11, 13, 17-21, Tuesday, Thursday, Monday through Friday 1pm-3pm

Collaborate to create a community mural. Participants will explore locations, create designs and do the installation. Meet at Arts Underground, 66 East Main Street. With Chelsea May. $20

Registration ends: July 18

Limit: 20

Castle Camp

Ages: Entering Grades 1 – 5.

July 24 – 28 10am – 11:30am Monday – Friday

Kids bring the imagination and energy. Adults facilitate the use of tools and design. Kids learn basic tool techniques and use pallets to build up a fort city on the SCA lawn. With Charlie Houseman, John Erdmann and others. Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street. $25

Limit: 20


IMG_0204Children’s Choir

Ages: 4 – Entering 4th grade.

Mondays 10am-11am, July 3 – August 7

Introductory chorus with SCA interns. Final concert TBA. $18. Mongerson Theater, 37 N Buffalo Street

End Registration: July 17

Limit: 15




Ukulele I & II

Ages: MS/HS.

July 24-July 28, Monday – Friday, 10am-11am.

Open to anyone who wishes to learn how to play the ukulele or wants to fine-tune their ukulele skills. You will learn basic strum patterns, plenty of chords, and many songs. With Seth Wochensky and Liz Bligh. For those with some musical background. More advanced students will move to UKE II which runs at the same time and place.  $25. Bring a Uke if you own one or rent one for $5. Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street

One registration. We separate the kids based on skill. Runs at the same time.

Registration ends: July 28

Limit: 40

Express Yourself  CANCELLED

Ages: MS/HS.

July 6 – August 8. Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-8pm

Develop and use Freestyle, Hip Hop, and Spoken word skills to learn how to express yourself, deal with negative emotions, and be a positive influence in your community and with your peers. $39

Registration Ends: July 12th.

Limit: 15


Great for ages 5-12, these little adventures inspire big ideas in little people. Different guides and locations for each session. Designed for parents and siblings to walk along with the official participant, the session pairs a simple art activity with the surrounding natural beauty. Call for directions to sites. Signs will be posted. $5 per student / session. Minimal materials provided.

Nature + Art Walk 1: July 8. 12-3pm.  Olmsted Camp with Lia Oprea: Start with your picnic lunch at this peaceful setting listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Hike down to Cattaraugus Creek for tubing, swimming or to collect clay for body art or sculptures. Meet at the end of Benton Road, Sardinia.

Nature + Art Walk 2: July 15. 10-Noon. Genesee Road Adventure with Mary Carol Dearing and George Klemens. Kids participate in an educational scavenger hunt at a private site, collecting things along the way and identifying and sketching natural points of interest (i.e. tree cut by a beaver).  Finish by planting a tree and eating your picnic lunch. Meet at approximately 6511 Genesee Road.

Nature + Art Walk 3: July 29. 10-Noon. Sprague Brook Park Photography with Ray Kent. Share a hike and capture photographs of nature. Kids should bring a camera – anything from a smartphone to a SLR is fine. Everyone is encouraged to bring a lunch for after. Meet at the playground before the creek near Shelter Four.

Nature + Art Walk 4: August 5. 10-11:30am  Scoby Hill Dam with Judson Brown. Elementary Plein Air: Venture down to this beautiful spot and create watercolor paintings. Creek play or a stroll along the trail is welcome. It is recommended to Meet at the bottom of the parking area.


IMG_0221Stop Motion Animation

Ages: MS/ HS.

July 10-14, Monday-Friday 9-11am.

Create a short film using legos, clay or paper and a tried and true animation technique. Bring your ideas. $35. Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street. See Media Combo Pass

Registration ends: July 12

Limit: 20



Short Film Camp

Ages: MS/HS.

July 17-21, Monday-Friday, 9am-12.

Work with peers to produce a short video. Learn camera techniques, sound and production skills. Script to Screen in one week. $45. Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street. See Media Combo Pass and save money.

Registration Ends: July 19

Limit: 20

MEDIA COMBO PASS: Take both media workshops (Stop Motion and Short Film)  for $60


IMG_0535Musical Theater Camp 1: Aladdin

Ages: Grades 3-8.

Auditions Thursday, June 29 12-2pm

Rehearsals July 3-July 14, Monday-Friday from 12-3pm, Performances Saturday, Jul 15 at 4pm & 7pm. In this process-oriented camp, kids will explore the building blocks of musical theater and participate in fun activities resulting in a full theater production of Aladdin on the SCA main stage. $60. Mongerson Theater at Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo St. See Arts Super Pass below for discounts.

Limit: 35

Musical Workshop 2: Beauty and the Beast

Ages: Entering grades 3-8.

July 31 – August 11, Monday-Friday, 1-4pm, Performances  August 11 at 7pm and afternoon performance August 12th at 4pm. Same as Musical Theater I with a different show. In this process-oriented camp, kids will explore the building blocks of musical theater and participate in fun activities resulting in a full theater production (show TBA) on the SCA main stage. $60. Mongerson Theater at Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo St. See Arts Super Pass below for discounts.

Registration ends: August 4

Limit: 35

Story Building With the Gods

Ages: MS/HS.

July 24 – 28, Monday-Friday 1pm-2:30pm.

Using mythology as a starting point, collaborate and improvise to create a script as a group or actors. With SCA interns. $25. At the Mongerson Theater at Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street.

Registration ends: July 27

Limit: 30

Musical Theater Essentials

Ages: Entering grades 8-10.

July 31 – August 11, Monday-Friday, 10am-Noon, Showcase Performance  August 12th at 8pm.

A new addition! Learn stage combat, vocal techniques, movement, audition techniques, how to read a scene and more in this camp for aspiring stage performers. $60. Mongerson Theater at Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo St. See Arts Super Pass below for discounts.

Registration ends: August 4

Limit: 30

IMG_0255Technical Theater Camp

Ages: Entering grades 6-12.

Mornings or Afternoons: Work with each production over the summer or pick and choose. Join the tech crew. Work hand in hand with the production team and SCA summer interns for each show. Learn how to hang lights, paint sets, run sound, do makeup and design costumes. Pick one session or come to all for the price of one. An instructor will call to customize your child’s schedule. $20. Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street.

No limit


Saturday Improv

Ages:  MS / HS.

Saturdays 12:30-2:30, 6 sessions June 24 – August 5

Do you want to learn how to think quickly on your feet? Do you want to learn some basic comedy skills? Do you want to become more comfortable talking in front of others? If you said yes to any of these, then you should attend our improv class! Big hit last year! Weekly sessions include theater games, improv exercises and a lot of laughs. $29. Produced by Springville Center for the Arts. At the Mongerson Theater, 37 N Buffalo Street.  

Registration ends: July 15

No Limit

Saturday Morning Playwriting

Ages: MS / HS.

Saturdays 10am-Noon, July 1 – August 5

Put pen to paper and take your ideas to the stage. Learn the craft of playwriting. Bring pens and ideas. $18. Vacanti Classroom at Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street

Registration ends: July 8

Limit: 10

ARTS SUPER PASS: Painting? Musical Theater? Can’t be limited to just one measly form of expression? Take Musical Theater I & II, Technical Theater, Art Camp, Media Classes, Comedy Improv, Uke, etc., etc. for $165. Good luck parents! Tent space at the SCA grounds will not be provided. You must go home occasionally!

Other limited scholarships and discounts available for multiple sibling families and multiple classes. Even though we often struggle to pay the bills, we never want to turn someone away due to cost. Please contact the Center for more details.

This event is listed within:


31 Jan 25
The Work of Jon Horton
5 Feb 25
Journeys | Holland Tuesday Painters
26 Feb 25
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6 Mar 25