‘Tis Better to Give Than to Receive

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 - Saturday, December 17, 2016 All Day

‘Tis Better to Give Than to Receive

Series of Giftable Fine Craft Workshops

In time for the holidays, come to any of these fun workshops where you can relax, create and cross something off your list. All evening classes are BYOB. More are being scheduled including ornament making. All prices shown with member discount / non-member price. To ensure adequate preparation and the stocking of supplies, all workshops must be prepaid. Call 716-592-9038 for registration and payment. Unless otherwise listed, classes held at the Vacanti Classroom at Springville Center for the Arts, 37 N Buffalo Street, Springville.


Button Art copyButton Art  Workshop – Tuesday, Nov. 15

Use new and vintage buttons to create a one-of-a kind piece on burlap canvas. Buttons available or bring your own. 11/15 at 6:30pm. $28/30. With Gretchen Meyers of Makers Buffalo.





FullSizeRender-3 copySpike Quartz Necklace  Workshop – Tuesday, Nov. 29

Learn the basics of jewelry design with this workshop. Create a one-of-a-kind quartz spike necklace.  All supplies included. 11/29 at 6:30pm. $25/27. With Gretchen Meyers of Makers Buffalo.





IMG_3656Glass Etching  Workshop – Tuesday, Dec. 13

Have some fun learning how to cut patterns and etch two giftable glasses. 12/13 at 6:30pm. $25/27. With Gretchen Meyers of Makers Buffalo.






index-card-gelli-printsGelatin Print Cards    Workshop – Saturday, December 3

Create unique cards using this easy printing method. Bring leaves or other small textured objects. All materials provided. $18/20. 10am. Good for ages 12 – adult. With Allison Duwe.





Stay tuned for more listings.

This event is listed within:


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