Author: SCA
Donate to the Renovations
Visit for online giving. Checks can be made to Springville Center for the Arts, PO Box 62, Springville, NY 14141
RFPs / Job Postings / RFQs etc.
Please Scroll down to view RFPs / Job postings / RFQs etc. related to our capital projects. Presently, we have no RFP for construction work. Please stay tuned as work will begin shortly. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Springville Center for the Arts, Inc. has been and will continue to be an equal opportunity organization. All qualified Minority and…
Art’s Cafe
Art’s Cafe Springville Center for the Arts recently acquired the property at 5 East Main Street and will be installing Art’s Cafe, a coffee shop along with artist residency spaces, a workshop and a sales area. The project will save a historic, downtown building that likely would have faced demolition. The interior of the building…
Springville Street Painting Festival
Held in conjunction with the Bicentenial Fiddle Festival, the Street Painting Fest returns this year! August 4th from 9-5pm. Stop by early and watch the work begin as artists paint the street. Catch some music at Fiddler’s Green, the Boys & Girls Club and the Concord Mercantile. See how the work comes together and then…