The Sound of Music Auditions

Sunday, February 9, 2020 - Monday, February 10, 2020 All Day

Spring, 2020  Information from Don Wesley, Director

Auditions:  February 9 and 10  (Sunday and Monday evenings 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.) in the Gallery adjacent to the Mongerson Theater at Springville Center for the Arts. Auditionees should visit Signup Genius (click here) to select an audition date and time or call 716-592-9038 or email for help scheduling a five-minute appointment time.

Auditionees with appointment times will be auditioned first.  If you were not able to schedule an appointment, you can audition during the general audition time which will follow the pre-scheduled appointment times each day. After auditions, the directors will determine who, if anyone, should be invited to call-backs.
If you are called back, you will receive an email on Tuesday, February 11. 

Call-backs (if needed):  Wednesday, February 12-6:30 to 8:30 p.m. -Mongerson Theater or Site TBD
If needed, call-back work will be given by the directors and will generally involve singing, readings and group scene work.
Please save this evening in case you are called back.  No preparation is needed.

Auditions Preparation:
Complete the audition application (Click Here) in one of the following ways:

  1. Download the application (pdf). Fill out the form online and email to: For directions on how to fill out a PDF form click here.
  2. Print a copy (found here) and fill it out manually, then bring it with you to auditions.
  3. Arrive early to your appointed audition time and fill out an application then.

Be sure to complete the section on your conflicts by x-ing out the dates you cannot attend rehearsals as indicated. It should only take a couple of minutes. In any case, it is essential that you bring with you a calendar of your conflicts for rehearsal dates listed below so that you can indicate your conflicts on the audition application when you fill it out. Or, you can make a list of your conflicts in advance and hand it in at your audition.  Be sure to include your name and contact information.

***We must have your completed application and your conflict information in order to consider you for the cast***


Please also bring a head-shot and resume of theatre experience if you have these.

Vocal:  Prepare 16 bars of a song from The Sound of Music OR a show tune from a different musical show. If you choose a different show, bring sheet music for the accompanist.

Dramatic:  Prepare a memorized 30-second to one-minute monologue. It does not have to be from a play or musical, but it should have a dramatic theme and a story element.  Example: a poem.  

If you have not prepared a musical number and/or monologue in advance, one will be assigned to you for a “cold” reading at the audition. There are no specific dance auditions.  

Rehearsals:  Primarily Sunday through Thursday from 6:30 to 9 p.m..  Saturday mornings from 9 to Noon may be necessary at times depending on cast availability.  We will rehearse at least four times a week on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or five times if/when needed.  This is why full disclosure of conflicts must be made on the application.  We cannot plan the rehearsal schedule until we know the conflicts.  Calendars will be emailed to all cast in March. Our first rehearsal is Sunday, March 22. There are no rehearsals in February, but selected cast members should pick up their scripts at the SCA office after casting is announced beginning February 21 and have all lines and lyrics memorized by the first rehearsal in March. There is a whole month to get this memorization done.


 Sun. M. T.   W. Th. Sat.

March:     22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28 (Saturday) 

                29, 30, 31  

April:                            1, 2, 4(Saturday call 9-noon)

                  5,   6, 7,   8, 9 (This is Easter weekend.  No Sat. or Sun. rehearsal will be scheduled.)

                      13, 14, 15, 16, 18 

                19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25  

                26, 27, 28, 29, 30  May 2 

May:           3, 4, 5, 6,    7, 9 

                10,  11, 12, 13 (dress rehearsal week) 

Performances:  May 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, (7:30 p.m.), 17 and 24 (2:00  p.m. Sunday matinees)


Cast Descriptions:  (Note:  Age ranges of characters in parentheses do not indicate the required age range of actors who may be assigned to particular roles. Auditionees will not be invited to audition for a specific  character or to indicate which character they would like to play.. The descriptions below are provided only for the information of those interested in being members of the cast. Characters in the show may be added, doubled, removed or blended at the discretion of the directors. In spite of the fact that several characters are designated as “non-singing” roles, all those who audition must perform both the musical and the monologue requirements explained above.

Leading Adult Characters

Maria Rainer  (20-35) A postulant at Nonnberg Abbey — young, free-spirited, warm, gentle and kind with much determination.

Captain Georg von Trapp (35-50) A retired Austrian naval captain.  Polished, yet very military in the way he runs his life to repress his sadness over the death of his wife; underneath he is warm, understanding and determined.

Max Detweiller (30+) Charming and vital; a man of sophistication who enjoys the good life; true and loyal friend to the von Trapp family.

Elsa Schrader (35-45)  A baroness of taste and elegance, sophisticated, dignified and mature.

Mother Abbess (40+)  Motherly, understanding, strong and authoritative, but kind.

Rolf Gruber (17)  Suitor to Liesl, telegram delivery boy, later Nazi soldier.  A very pleasant young man, somewhat aggressive but in a gentle way.

Featured Characters  (When ages are not indicated,casting is highly flexible.)

Sister Berthe   Mistress of Novices, prudish, straight-laced with a quick tongue, she is less tolerant than other nuns.

Sister Margaretta Mistress of Postulants, very kind, understanding and concerned.

Sister Sophia  Neither demanding nor critical, sticks with the rules.

Franz  (30+) Non-Singing role.  The von Trapp butler, rather formal but not without spirit, he is very German and loyal to the Fascist cause.

Frau Schmidt (30+) Non-Singing role.  The housekeeper, stoic, she does her job efficiently but without affection.  Strong and somewhat domineering.

Herr Zeller (40+) Non-Singing role.  Stern and unsmiling, a typical Nazi official whose primary concern is to see that everyone toes the line.

Baron Elberfeld (50+) Non-Singing role. 

Baroness Elberfeld (45+)  Non-Singing role.

Admiral von Schreiber (40+) Non-Singing role.

Leading Children’s Characters::
*All children, apart from their character descriptions, must be able to be conservative with their emotions and “serious.”  Captain von Trapp’s children are, especially in the company of adults, extremely well-behaved and polite.

*Ages of the children as given below are not indicative of a required age for the actors who portray them.  It is possible but highly unlikely that we will cast very young children in the roles of the youngest of the von Trapp children.

Liesel von Trapp (16)  The oldest child, blossoming into a young lady with an interest in boys.  She has a maternal edge to her and cares very deeply about her younger siblings.

Friedrich von Trapp (14) Tough exterior, very much trying to be “the man” of the family.

Louisa von Trapp (13) Rebellious attitude.

Kurt von Trapp (10)  Gentle and mischievous.

Brigitta von Trapp (9) Smart, reads a lot.

Marta von Trapp (7) Very sweet and gentle.

Gretl von Trapp (6) Cute and a favorite of her brothers and sisters.


Males:  (16-60) neighbors, soldiers, friends of the von Trapps, etc.

Females: (16-60) postulants, nuns, novices, friends, etc.

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